Monday, September 16, 2013

Possible story ideas

A story idea occurred to me and it just makes sense. I will be covering efforts of a new initiative by World Relief Chicago – Priority 3 Family Reunification Program – and how it may be helping Bosnian or Serbian families in Chicago that are trying to get family members that are currently living in the Balkans over to the States.
I hope to be able to follow a family that has recently come to the States, or even during the Balkan civil war, and is trying to bring loved ones over.
If this doesn't pan out, I want to focus on the work Serbian Orthodox churches do to help newly arrived Serbian families in Chicago. For example, the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral helps families find homes and work within the Serbian community.
This is just a tentative story idea. I am also very interested in the Club Prijedor, 5611 Kimball Ave. I want to know why the organization decided to form at that location (Maybe there is a large populations of Bosnians from Prijedor living there) and what kind of work they do. Even if there isn’t a story here, maybe they will be able to direct me to organizations that I can do my story on. Also, they may be able to tell me some of the issues in the Bosnian community in Chicago – maybe even just the Prijedor community. Since I will be in the Albany Park community on Sept. 17, I will stop into the club to see what is going on.

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